Names of other people involved with the organisation of the day - bridesmaids / best men, etc.
Full address including postcode
Enter 'as above' if the ceremony is at the same address
Enter 'as above' if the receptions is at the same address
Please detail the times of the major events of the day, from the time you would like me to start until the time that I leave your wedding.
Please list the formal group photos that you would like taken.
Allow a time budget of 3-4 minutes per group.
I recommend around 10 groups at most to not overly impact on your day.
To avoid confusion and delays on the wedding day, please detail the names of each person in the group - rather than 'Brides father' or 'Grooms friends'
Any other details of the day which you think I should be aware of. Suprises for guests, etc